Sign-up for the leagues at the Service Desk. If you have an inconsistent schedule, sign up as a “floating sub.” Please refer to our flyers for current league information. Minimum age is 16yrs.
Current League Play:
Men’s Fall Basketball
Open League (16 & Older)
Mondays starting October 21st.
Masters League (40 & Older)
Wednesdays starting October 16th
Games start at 6:00pm & 7:00pm
League fee is $54.
We have set times in the gym dedicated to drop-in play. See the schedule (available on the Gym White Boards) for the current times, or see below for Pick Up Basketball. Minimum age is 16yrs.
Women’s Open Basketball
October 3rd – 31st
6:30 – 8:30pm
Free for members
Non-member fee is $49 or $25/week.