See the new childcare brochure attached below for the current guidelines. Reservations are strongly recommended.
To be guaranteed a space, please make reservations in advance. For children on the family membership, reservations may be made up to 72 hours in advance. For children not on the family membership, reservations may be made no earlier than 48 hours in advance. Reservations may be made in person or by telephone. If space is not available for your child at the desired time, you may be placed on an alternate list and contacted if space does become available due to cancellations. Your reserved space will be held for you for fifteen minutes after your reserved time, but your child will be allowed to stay only the length of time of the initial reservation. If you are later than fifteen minutes, your space may be given to someone on the alternate list.
Maximum Time:
Members may leave children for up to 2 hours per day. You may split your reservation time into two visits during the same day. Reservations are recommended. There is no guarantee of space without a reservation. You can extend your time if your child participates in the Fitness Play/Fun classes. You must remain on Club premises while your child is in Child Care. There are separate policies for offsite programs.
We ask that you contact Child Care immediately if you are unable to bring your child for the time reserved. If you do not contact us within 1/2 hour of your reservation time to notify us of the cancellation, your account will be automatically charged a $7.00 non-cancellation fee. This fee has been established to ensure that members do no take advantage of Child Care and reserve spaces randomly and then not use them. This same fee applies to Special Events that require reservations.
Late Pick Up:
Members must pick up their children by the end of their reserved time. For every 10 minute increment, you are late, you will automatically be charged a $5.00 late pick-up fee. Frequent late pick-ups may result in not being able to utilize our childcare.
Check-in Procedures:
- Parents pay for non-member children at the Service Desk. Please bring a yellow receipt to Child Care in order to check in.
- A label will be prepared to place on your child including name and parent information.
- Written authorization is required if someone other than the sign-in person picks up the child.
- Please make sure that you do not leave the gate or door to Kids’ Korner open, allowing children other than your own to leave or enter Kids’ Korner.
- Please do not congregate in the check-in/check-out area. It makes it difficult for the child care staff to make sure no “extra” children make it past the entry/exit gate.
- Parents are asked to walk their own children to Kids’ Zone. Please make sure the Kids’ Zone staff are informed when you arrive and when you come to pick up your children.
Other Policy Information:
Absolutely no sick children will be accepted in Child Care. Children of questionable health will be denied access at the discretion of the Child Care staff. If your child becomes ill while in our care, you will be contacted immediately.
If a child misbehaves or becomes unmanageable, the parent will be informed. After 2 warnings, the child may not be permitted to come to Child Care for a period of up to two weeks. At the discretion of the Child Care Manager, the child could be dismissed from Child Care for two weeks after the first warning, depending upon the severity of the behavior.
View the CHILD CARE BROCHURE for more information!
Our policies have changed through the COVID-19 situation. See the attached brochure for the changes!
These are a few tips for ensuring a happy visit in Child Care:
- Make sure your children have been fed and changed before checking into Child Care.
- No food, drinks, cups with caps, or baby bottles are allowed. We do request that you bring an extra bottle for a baby since two hours is too long a time for an infant to go without feeding. If an older child is hungry, parents are requested to feed them in the lobby before checking in to Child Care.
- Please try to make the Child Care time a period of the day that does not conflict with your child’s nap time. It is easier for us to provide a pleasant environment for all children if they are well fed, napped, and alert.
- Be prompt to pick up your child in Child Care. Reservations are made back to back, therefore it is imperative that a schedule is followed in order to be able to give all the children the appropriate attention.
- If your child is new to Child Care, or if you have some concerns about how your child is doing, feel free to call from a Club phone to check on your child (extension 2422). This is much easier on your child than coming back into Child Care and leaving your child again.
- Please allow an adjustment period for your child. If your child is not used to being left, plan to stay in Kids Korner during the first visit and plan another 20 minutes the next visit and maybe 10 minutes another visit. We feel this is important with infants and crawlers. It is a new experience for the child and we want it to be a happy one!
- Please label all your personal items so the staff can locate your child’s belongings. (i.e. bottles, diaper bags, clothing, etc.).
- We do not allow children to bring any handheld games to Child Care including cell phones.
We offer a variety of ongoing fitness classes for kids:
- Fitness Play
- Kids’ Climb
- Crafty Kids – this program runs in the Fall, Winter, and Spring only.
We also have special classes and events. Watch for flyers or postings on the website and follow us on Facebook.
- Parents’ Night Out
- Swim Team
- Climbing
- Pickleball
- Kid’s Strength Training
- Youth Basketball camps and private training
For more information on any class, you can contact Connie Van Riet at (707) 521-2415 or email
All guests that are minors will need to have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian before coming to the Club. You can download a copy to print and sign.